Love Your Life Minute

Ladies, when something happens in your day and you just want to share it with somebody, who do you call?

Chances are you call your friends, you call your mom, you call your sisters, numerous ladies that you can call and share your event with.

Now, what if your man has had something happen in his day.

Who does he call?

I imagine he calls you. Did you know that?

What I’ve learned is women need men and women.

Men need women.

You are his greatest support system. You are the one that he is going to reach out to and talk to.

Have you realized that? We play a very vital role in their lives.

We are the ones that they look for that validation, to be able to share the things with from the day, and to be able to be their biggest support.

So that’s my question to you, ladies are you being your husband’s biggest support?


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