by Trina Glines | May 16, 2018 | Create Your Story, Feeling Loved, Love Your Man, Marriage Struggles, Married Women, Self-Help, Uncategorized
Love Your Life Minute. Love your life minute. Did you know that closeness in your marriage relationship is something that you make? It doesn’t just happen naturally. It doesn’t just do it on its own, and it takes our effort our intent and our desire to...
by Trina Glines | May 10, 2018 | Be Adored, Create Your Story, Intense Woman, Love Yourself, Married Women, Single Ladies, Uncategorized
Love Your Life Minute. Alright ladies, we’re going to chat about this once again. The narrative in your head, that voice in your head that does not serve you. She does not help you. She does not help you become the whole woman that you want to become. She is...
by Trina Glines | May 2, 2018 | Feeling Loved, Marriage Struggles, Self-Help, Uncategorized
Love Your Life Minute This little piece of advice is a game-changer if you can choose to implement in your life and with all your relationships. Do you seek the meaning? When someone does something or says something that makes you feel a little off, maybe hurt your...